The future of the textile industry is being shaped by sustainability
Pulcra Chemicals GmbH erhält das BSFZ-Siegel
Product range for a high
quality and sustainable fiber
Two European Pulcra Sites, Placing Them Both in the Top 6%!
The chemistry between production and catwalks is finally right
PULCRA TEC® ensures textile compliance and innovation
Textile Trade Fair in Mexico
the smart way of leather tanning
Daha fazla bilgi
Pulcra Chemicals, Geretsried tesisinde elyaf, tekstil ve deri endüstrileri için özel kimyasallar geliştirir ve üretir.
Fashion Chemicals GmbH & Co. KG
Isardamm 79-83
82538 Geretsried
Phone: +49 (0) 8171 / 628 0
Fax: +49 (0) 8171 / 628 440